Be30Something · Poems

Poem: What if

What if

you were promised the world
in exchange for your hope?
for just another term,
for just one more vote


they never acknowledged
their debt for your faith,
the sacrifice of those who freed them,
and the martyrs that brought them fame

What if

you watched your babies die
in your slum made of tin
while promise upon promise
began to wear thin?

Would you

take what’s yours?
what is owed?
or listen to their lies
for just… one… more… vote

Is it time

for things to change?
if not Them, then us
we’ll take a stand –
enough is enough

They must know

that actions speak louder than words
empty promises will no longer suffice
for once in their lives they should
make a pledge to do. what’s. right.

Or we will fight

we will fight them in their castles
in their courts and in their hearts
They’ll not win another cross
‘til They’ve restored what was lost

We’ll take it back

our children will live in freedom
our leaders will learn humility
we will restore what They have stolen
our dreams. our hope. our liberty

We are Africa, Stand with me
We are Africa,
Dance with me

(C) C Warneke 2015